Thursday 27 November 2008

Capturing the Friedmans

Did Arnold and his son Jesse do the crimes they were sentenced for?

I guess that is the question you automatically have to ask yourself after watching the documentary. And I am afraid I didn't come to a conclusion by just watching the film.

The story, that Andrew Jarecki told in his film or rather the arrangement and content of the footage that was used in the film does not influence the spectator in any way. I think it is very difficult to create a film about such a topic as child molestation and a family breaking apart by being involved in such a crime without taking party or reveal your own opinion. I guess it was very helpful that he could use a lot of private film material that revealed a lot about the family life of the Friedmans, their thoughts and behaviour.
Those who are more interested in the case can pursuit the latest news on that site.

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