Friday, 21 November 2008

Richard Attenborough

Yesterday was for sure one of the most interesting and fascinating days of my - I think I still can say - short life.

Sir Richard Attembourough was at the RSAMD for an interview. It is one of the unique moments in life when you meet a personality who has experienced so much in life and has seen, communicated and worked with so many outstanding personalities. To be in the same room and - even more - to listen to his experiences in life and the film industry was absolutely amazing and inspiring. I am sure that everybody in the room thought so at least those I spoke with afterwards.

It must be great if your own experiences and actions in life become a source of inspiration and motivation for your contamporaries and also for the younger and following generations. Maybe that is the actual sense and fulfillment of life we are all aiming for...however, I think that it is worth working towards it.

This leads me to the question, what do I actually want to achieve in my future life, hence in my career and if it is possible to make even half of the experience R.A. has made? For sure it is not possible to reach such a level when your are not open and attentive to the things that happen around you. Also when you are not willed or too afraid to embrace risky situations in life.

It was a pity that his attendance was roughly limited to an hour because he is for sure one of the few personalities I could listen to for hours.

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